Work Package No. 1 – Project Management
The WP No. 1 aims to provide an effective monitoring of the progress, quality and achievement of project activities, with three tools: the Gant chart (track the activities, process development at task level, support in case of delays, coordinantion between partners), the Quality Assurance Plan (formalizing procedures to assess project progress, intermediate, final results), and the QRs (the operative tool for monitoring the achievemnt of project results and the quality of the processes).
The indicators for the Project Management Work Package are quantitative (No. of in person meetings, No. of virtual meetings, No. of partners’ meeting reports, No. of quality Reports collected) as well as qualitative (measuring the level of satisfaction of the partners in relation to the Project Management activities).
The Project Management Work Package will also ensure: proper budget control and time management in the project, the Risk Management during the implementation of all project phases, that the activities are designed in an accessible and inclusive way, the incorporation of digital tools and methods to complement the physical activities and to improve cooperation between partner organisations, the incorporation of green practices in different project phases.