Work Package No. 2 – Design Principles for the course to build inclusive higher education systems for HEI teachers, HEI administrative staff and academic tutors specialized in SEN
WP No. 2 is aimed at defining the Design Principles and the Curriculum for the training course to build inclusive higher education systems. The course is addressed to HEI teachers, HEI administrative staff and tutors who will specialize in SEN (Special Educational Needs).
Through the activities carried on in WP No. 2 the partners will be able to identify which are in details the set of knowledge, skills and competencies that the participants need in order to significantly contribute to build inclusive Music Higher Education systems.
In WP No. 2 the partners will identify the training course design principles, i.e. the pillars on which to build the curriculum (topics, learning outcomes, duration). The objective is to define the design principles on which partners will produce the training course and training materials in WP No. 3.
The curriculum will include some of the following information: module titles, list of contents, learning outcomes, teaching methods, scope/duration of training.
With the reference to the project specific objectives, WP No. 2 will contribute to reducing the barriers and enhancing facilitators in order to make HMEIs inclusive environments for learning, defining new approaches for training HMEIs students with sensorial or cognitive disabilities, creating new professional roles (specialized tutors) aimed at fostering and monitoring social inclusion practives within HMEIs.